
New Buck Lure Bottle Keeps the Bucks in Your Pocket


Tink’s has been “America’s #1 buck lure” for over 40 years. The Pocketshot was a new product to be launched once the right packaging could be found. Tink’s wanted a compact size small enough to keep in a pocket for quick access. The trick was to find a user-friendly way to secure the bottle from falling out of the hunters’ pockets – especially when they could be 30-40 feet up in a tree!


Collaborating with the customer, Pipeline was able to source a compact spray vial that could still deliver 50+ shots of mist. Visually, the translucent charcoal color of the vial supports Tink’s branding while allowing the user to see how much scent remains. To help secure the smaller bottle from drops and falling, we paired it with a cap with a shaped clip. The combination is small enough to go into your pocket and easily be in-hand when needed, yet can clip on to fabric to prevent falling by the wayside and getting lost.


Packaged in sets of three scents, Tink’s Pocketshots launch was a huge success. The company is already preparing for the current deer season. Additionally, the packaging “was targeted” for the 2016 NACD Packaging Award in the Pet and Vet Category. Congratulations to Tink’s!
