Since 1980, Clean Control has been dedicated to creating technologically advanced, cost-effective cleaning solutions. The company’s flagship product, OdoBan®, was its first product and is sold in locations such as Sam’s Club, Walmart, and The Home Depot as well as online outlets such as Amazon,,, and more.
While OdoBan was a big success, Clean Control identified that the packaging could use some improvements. The company faced two distinct challenges: updating an existing closure and finding packaging with a more contemporary look for a soon-to-be-released OdoBan product. Fortunately, Pipeline Packaging had the means to solve both issues and deliver a solution that offered both performance and a sleek design.
The Challenge
The original closure used on the Solid Odor Absorber was a traditional screw-on cap. To use the product, the buyer simply removed the cap and set the jar on the counter. Unfortunately, there were two issues.
- The cap for the Solid Odor Absorber appeared too clinical for Clean Company’s liking.
- The open jar ran the risk of spilling its contents to the floor.
To address the spilling issue, Clean Control wanted a closure with vent holes and a protective liner that customers would peel off. The cap would remain on the jar to prevent the spillage of odor absorbing materials, while the vents would allow air to pass over the contents and remove odors.
Unfortunately for Clean Control, the company had inquired elsewhere about creating a custom closure, but the cost was prohibitive. The project was shelved for a year until a more economically feasible alternative could be found.
The Solid Odor Absorber wasn’t Clean Control’s only packaging conundrum. Additionally, Clean Control was releasing a new product involving scented, odor-absorbing gel beads. The company wanted the packaging to be a stylish jar that would be more appealing in an open home setting and could also utilize the vented cap once it was developed.
The Solution
While on a routine visit to Clean Control, we learned that the company wanted to update OdoBan’s packaging and that the project had been shelved due to development costs. Our team explained that Pipeline owns over 100 custom molds and could provide OdoBan with the contemporary look the company wanted. It wasn’t long before Clean Control started utilizing that selection of molds to its advantage.
The jar Clean Control chose for the scented gel beads displayed a simple, yet modern design. This selection was similar to the prototype they wanted to develop earlier. Since Pipeline owned the mold, Clean Control wouldn’t need to invest money in the development of a new jar, making it a cost-effective approach for the company.
Figuring out a solution for the closure was more complex. The closure openings in the mold that Pipeline owned were not what Clean Control wanted – a stylized flower pattern that would allow greater exposure to the air. Fortunately, our packaging design experts modified the existing mold to provide Clean Control a design that met their expectations. Modifying an existing mold – as opposed to creating a new one – reduced the cost by 75% of what the other packaging distributor had quoted. Clean Control jumped at the opportunity.
The Results
The new closure – now more stylish and allowing their odor absorbing product greater contact with the air around it – is already in use. Clean Control anticipates an increase in sales now that there is protection against spills.
The eagerly awaited gel bead product in a new jar will soon follow once the different retail centers contract for the product. OdoBan will soon enjoy a more contemporary look and stand out even more in its competitive market.
Are you looking for a packaging distributor that can help streamline internal processes and solve supply issues? Check out our available packaging products online or contact us today to talk to one of our experts today.

The original cap was a standard screw-on. Users would remove the cap and leave the open jar sitting. The look is unappealing and increases the risk of spillage.

The bottle for the gel beads will feature softer, tapered sides that will be more appealing in a home setting. It will feature the same floral patterned lid that was designed for the Solid Odor Absorber.

The left lid is the original Pipeline Packaging mold. The right shows OdoBan’s modifications.

OdoBan’s new lid is more stylish and allows air to pass through it without the threat of spilling the jar’s contents.