
Notice for Steel Pails and Drums - New Regulations 2023

Pipeline Packaging is sharing the latest regulatory change from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in the industrial packaging industry this year that goes into effect July 2023.

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) now requires cans and other fuel containers to feature "lifesaving flame mitigation devices on Gas Cans and other Portable Fuel Containers."

"The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is making gas cans and other fuel containers safer by requiring flame mitigation devices. The new mandatory safety standard will go into effect in July 2023. Congress required the agency to put rules into place to protect consumers under the Portable Fuel Container Safety Act (PFCSA) of 2020.

Flame mitigation devices, such as flame arrestors, protect against flame jetting and container rupturing. Flame jetting is a phenomenon where an external ignition source – such as an open flame – causes a sudden ignition of fuel within a container and forcefully expels burning vapor and liquid from the mouth of the container, resulting in a blowtorch-like effect. Container rupturing is like flame jetting, except the burning vapor and liquid are expelled through a rupture in the container.

Flame mitigation devices will be required on new gas cans and other containers that are sold empty, such as for kerosene and diesel, and on new containers that are sold pre-filled with fuels such as charcoal lighter fluid, liquid fireplace fuels, and pre-mixed gasoline and engine fuel. Most fuel containers already have the safety device.

By a 4-0 vote, the CPSC made mandatory three existing voluntary standards:

  • ASTM F3326-21, Standard Specification for Flame Mitigation Devices on Portable Fuel Containers.
  • ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 30:2022, Standard for Safety Metallic and Nonmetallic Safety Cans for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and; ASTM F3429/F3429M-20, Standard Specification for Performance of Flame Mitigation Devices Installed in Disposable and Pre-Filled Flammable Liquid Containers.

In December 2022, the Commission also voted to update child resistance requirements for closures on portable gas cans, and diesel and kerosene containers. These requirements became effective on December 22, 2022. The revisions update the existing standard to reflect current gasoline container designs, remove ambiguities in the child test requirements, and create an adult test that reflects usage patterns. The revisions also apply requirements to aftermarket products such as pour spouts."

Find the News Release here

How does that affect rigid packaging?

For us, that means any packaging being used to contain fuel or other highly flammable materials will now be required to use one of these flame mitigation devices. This applies to:

Flame mitigation devices will be required on new gas cans and other containers that are sold empty, such as for kerosene and diesel, and on new containers that are sold pre-filled with fuels such as charcoal lighter fluid, liquid fireplace fuels, and pre-mixed gasoline and engine fuel. Most fuel containers already have safety devices.

  • Pails 5 gallons or less in capacity
  • Contents with liquid flashpoints less than 140°F

Pipeline is here to help to answer your questions regarding this new regulation and to ensure your products do or do not require this new flame mitigation regulation. Ask your Pipeline Packaging sales or service representative about our dedication to customer satisfaction. Contact us today.

Pipeline Packaging is not responsible if you order a pail without a required flame mitigation device.

Read more on Preventing Factory Fires from our key supplier Rieke.

Photo courtesy of Rieke